Banda Aceh, 14 January 2024 – The Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), and the Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) successfully held a health conference on 14 January 2024. Located at the Kyriad Muraya Hotel, Banda Aceh, this event was entitled “The Role of Ulama in Improving the Health Quality of Aceh’s Next Generation Through Education on the Importance of Complete Basic Immunization for Children”. The opening of the conference was officiated by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, represented by Vice Chancellor III, Dr. Subhan Rio Pamungkas, SpKJ (K), with various warm words from the Director of the TDMRC, Prof. Syamsidik, ST., M.Sc and Chairman of the Committee Dr. Ichsan, M.Si., SpKKLP, Subsp.FOMC.
The conference aims to increase public awareness, especially in Aceh, regarding the importance of complete basic immunisation for children. The initial session of this activity had the concept of a Focus Group Discussion (FGD), which was attended by 60 ulama from Kuta Malaka District (Aceh Besar), Darussalam District (Aceh Besar), and Meuraxa District (Banda Aceh). Participants fell into group empathy, focusing on various topics ranging from the urgency of maintaining the health of Acehnese children from an early age, the reasons why Acehnese people refuse immunisation, to the importance of collaboration between health workers, universities and ulama in the field of children’s health.
Seminars and discussion sessions present leading speakers discussing various aspects of immunisation and children’s health. Aceh Ulama Consultative Council (MPU), represented by Prof. Dr. H. Warul Walidin AK, MA (Chairman of Commission B MPU Aceh), explained the Islamic view of the importance of child immunisation for a healthy and strong Islamic generation. Dr. Iman Murahman, Sp.KKLP, MKM (Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Aceh Health Service), discussed the government’s efforts to increase child vaccination rates. TM Thaib, M. Kes, Sp. A (K), Child Growth and Development Consultant from the Faculty of Medicine USK, conveyed the basic concepts of immunisation in children and how to avoid the threat of dangerous diseases.
This conference was attended by 125 participants consisting of Ulama/Tengku and Village Midwives from various sub-districts in Aceh and guests from various related agencies. Through FGDs, interactive discussions and question-and-answer sessions, participants could explore the topics presented and share their experiences and views on child health issues in Aceh.
This conference is part of ongoing efforts to improve the health of the next generation in Aceh, by involving cross-sectoral collaboration between ulama, Faculty of Medicine, TDMRC, Health Service, MPU, as well as heads of community health centers and village midwives in related areas. This event has made a significant contribution to efforts to improve the quality of health of the people of Aceh for a better future.