Other Activities
Development of Earthquake
Proof House Model
Assesment on Indonesia Tsunami Master Plan
(October – December 2013)
Tsunami Drill, 2009
(October – December 2013)
TDMRC worked with BNPB, Arm Forces, UNDP, and Aceh Government to conduct Indian Ocean Tsunami Wave Exercise (IOWAVE) 2009.
Disaster Awareness School Project
Now, TDMRC manages 17 schools for this project. The objectives are to mainstream DRR into school communities and to train the school communities to anticipate emergency responses.
Training Course on Disaster
Risk Management
(2013 – 2019)
Supported by IDB and MoFA of Indonesia.
The Strengthening Resilience of Coastal and Small Island Communities towards HydroMeteorological Hazards and Climate Change Impacts (StResCom) Project-UNESCO
(September 2012 – June 2015)