Banda Aceh – Japanese researchers from Kanagawa University visited Aceh to study disasters since the 2004 earthquake tsunami. Prof. Dr Eng led the visit. Takahisa Enomoto, along with two other researchers, namely Prof. Dr Eng. Yoshiharu Shumuta and Dr Eng. Tsutomu Ochiai, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Muksin Umar, S.Si., M.Si., M.Phil, they explored aspects of disaster such as earthquakes, seismic hazards, earthquake engineering, and microzonation.
The main purpose of this visit was to conduct an initial exploration of cooperation between Kanagawa University and Universitas Syiah Kuala. Both expect to be able to conduct joint research collaboration activities in the future. The researchers showed great interest in understanding the impact of earthquakes and tsunamis and the mitigation efforts that can be made to reduce the risk of future disasters.
This collaboration is expected to benefit both universities and the Acehnese community by strengthening the understanding and response to complex and high-impact disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.