MAN 1 Banda Aceh Students Makes Learning Visit to TDMRC Facilities

Banda Aceh, March 5, 2024 – The learning development activity of wave material in physics class XI MAN 1 Banda Aceh brought 13 students to visit the facilities at the Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) of Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) in the real-time earthquake observation laboratory, tsunami flume laboratory for physical modelling, and shaking table laboratory.

Earthquake observartory laboratorium

Earthquake observartory laboratorium

The students were welcomed by the Director of TDMRC, Prof. Syamsidik and the Deputy Director, Prof. Muksin. Students were first taken to the real-time earthquake laboratory to learn about earthquakes guided by Aulia Khalqillah, M.Si and Haekal Gunarya, S.Si. The real-time earthquake observation laboratory will allow students to understand the process of earthquakes directly through real-time data observation and simulation. In this series of activities, they will be allowed to observe and learn how waves behave in real conditions and how earthquakes and tsunamis can impact the surrounding environment.

Meanwhile, they can perform physical modelling in the tsunami flume laboratory to understand how tsunami waves form and spread. This activity also involves using a shaking table laboratory, where students can observe how earthquakes affect structures and the surrounding environment. Thus, it is expected that the students will gain theoretical understanding and valuable practical experience in understanding complex physics concepts.

This earthquake and tsunami observation activity is expected to be a valuable momentum for students to increase their interest and understanding of science, especially in physics. Hopefully, this activity will significantly impact the academic and personal development of MAN 1 Banda Aceh students.

Shaking table laboratorium

Shaking table laboratorium

Tsunami flume laboratory

Tsunami flume laboratory

