Banda Aceh – Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/Secretary of Indonesia National Development and Planning Agency (BAPPENAS), Dr. Ir. Taufik Hanafi, MUP and delegates visited TDMRC of Universitas Syiah Kuala on July 18, 2023. The visit was welcomed by Vice Rector of Planning and Cooperation of USK, Prof. Dr. Ir. Taufiq Saidi, M.Eng and Director of TDMRC, Prof. Dr. Syamsidik, ST., M.Sc. All research clusters coordinators and researchers of TDMRC also attended during the visit.
The objectives of this visit include:
1. Improving the cooperation relationship between the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas and Syiah Kuala University, especially in terms of developing the competence of human resources planners in Indonesia.
2. Discussing the potential cooperation of Split Site Master’s Program (SSMP) and cost-sharing education program between the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas and Syiah Kuala University.
3. Exploring the potential for development planning cooperation between the Ministry of PPN / Bappenas and local government agencies, especially in the field of disaster preparedness.
Prof. Syamsidik mentioned that along these years, there have been a series of collaborations between TDMRC USK and BAPPENAS. Among them were international trainings and conference. In 2013, TDMRC hosted an international training on disaster risk management, sponsored by BAPPENAS. Also, under the umbrella of South-South and Triangular Cooperation, TDMRC of USK facilitated works on Flood Disaster Risk Management in Senegal, which was also supported by Islamic Development Bank. During this visit, Prof. Syamsidik expects to extend the collaborations between TDMRC USK and BAPPENAS in disaster risk management related issues.
The Bappenas RI delegation also visited several research facilities at TDMRC such as the Observation Laboratory as a place to monitor the occurrence of earthquakes, the Shaking Table Laboratory to see large simulations of earthquake strength and other dynamic vibrations, and finally a visit to the Tsunami Flume Laboratory to see the simulation of impacts of hydrodynamic forces on buildings or structures. The flume is also able to simulate the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami after scaling process. Such facilities are rare in Indonesia and become national assets for disaster related researches.
Dr. Muksin Umar was explaining about the seismic monitoring system run by TDMRC of USK to Secretary of BAPPENAS Dr. Ir. Taufik Hanafi and Vice Rector of Planning and Cooperation Prof. Dr. Taufiq Saidi M.Eng.
Dr. Yunita Idris was informing the delegates about the Shaking Table facilities operated by TDMRC of USK, which can simulate the seismic waves in 6 Degree of Freedom (DOF). This facility is the only facility in Southeast Asia at the moment.
Prof. Syamsidik was explaining to the BAPPENAS team about the tsunami flume operated by TDMRC USK, which is among the most advanced facilities for tsunami tests in Indonesia at the present.