The seminar, which was held on May 27, 2023 in Hybrid from the TDMRC auditorium, raised the theme “Urgency of
Improving Disaster Competencies and Skills in Indonesia: Career Opportunities and Research Development based on
Disaster”. This seminar was filled by disaster experts from various backgrounds, including Dr. T. Ahmad Dadek who is an expert in disaster law in Indonesia, who currently serves as Head of Bappeda Aceh, then the second speaker is Assoc.
prof Nishi Yoshimi who is one of the disaster researchers from CSEAS Kyoto University and Dr. Rina Suryani Oktari who is the Head of MIK Study Program.
The activity, which is one part of the annual series of activities of the Master of Disaster Science (KOSMIK), was carried out with the support of TDMRC USK, UN4DRR co-funded by the erasmus plus Program Indian Ocean RIM, Hibeuna MIK, Fastana, and TDMRC USK.
This activity was attended by more than 50 offline participants and more than 70 online participants from all over Indonesia.
The second event, Info Session and Winner Announcement Lomba KOSMIK-1 2023, was held on June 05, 2023, which was attended by participants from various universities in Indonesia. In this event all winners of the competition were announced and we congratulate the winners, hopefully this competition can inspire other Indonesian youths.