RISPRO-SupeRISKa: USK Research Team Visits ITB

Bandung, 13 April 2023 –  Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK) research team led by Prof. Syamsidik and four other researchers, Ir. Adrian Ulza, M.Sc., Aulia Khalqillah, M.Si., Denny Syaputra, S.Kom, and Muhammad Daffa Al Farizi, S.T in the “Program Riset Inovatif Produktif (RISPRO)” visited the Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) university. The USK team was welcomed directly by the Head of the ITB Research Team, Dr. Irwan Meilano, S.T., M.Sc and several other research members. This visit is included in one of the joint research agendas funded by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia through Direktorat Jendral Pengelolaan Pembiayaan dan Risiko (DJPPR) related to Pembiayaan dan Asuransi Risiko Bencana Berbasis Karakteristik Ancaman (SupeRISKa) to State Property and Regional Property, especially in the form of buildings.

The purpose of this visit was to discuss specifically related to the development of dashboards or software systems that are being developed by the two teams. The two research teams exchanged ideas to agree on the suitability of the dashboard system developed, both from data structures to communication between the two USK-ITB software. In addition to discussing the dashboard system, further discussions related to the suitability of calculation methods for each threat were also carried out. This is very important to note because there is one indicator that must be achieved, namely the research collaboration method. Thus, this meeting was able to clarify the components that need to be agreed upon by the two research teams.
