In collaboration with BPBA, TDMRC organized an International Seminar on Tsunami Disaster Mitigation in Aceh

Banda Aceh – The Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA), in collaboration with the Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) at Universitas Syiah Kuala (USK), successfully hosted the International Aceh Tsunami Seminar on December 16, 2024, at the Rasamala Hotel, Banda Aceh. This significant event commemorated the 20th anniversary of the devastating 2004 tsunami, gathering experts from academia, practitioners, and government to discuss the latest advancements in tsunami disaster mitigation.

The seminar featured keynote speakers, including the Director of TDMRC USK, who shared valuable insights and research findings alongside experts from Malaysia, Thailand, STMKG Indonesia, and representatives from the Government of Aceh. The engaging panel sessions and interactive Q&A segments provided a dynamic platform for more than 75 participants from various sectors to exchange ideas and enhance disaster preparedness. The invited speakers for this event included:

  1. Kannapa Pongponrat Chieochan, Ph.D – Academic from the College of Innovation, Thammasat University, Thailand.
  2. Mohd Muhaimin Bin Ridwan Wong – Academic from the National Defense University of Malaysia
  3. Dimas Salomo Januarianto Sianipar – S.Tr., Ph.D – Academic from STMKG Jakarta
  4. Prof. Dr. Syamsidik, S.T., M.Sc – Director of TDMRC USK
  5. Dr. H. T. Ahmad Dadek, S.H., M.H – Head of Bappeda Aceh/Acting Regent of Pidie Jaya
  6. Dr. Rina Suryani Oktari, S.Kep., M.Si – Coordinator of the Disaster Education Division at TDMRC USK


  1. Rizanna Rosemary, Ph.D – Academic at TDMRC
  2. Haekal Azief Haridhi, Ph.D – Academic at TDMRC

The collaboration between BPBA and TDMRC reflects a joint commitment to enhancing community resilience and preparedness in facing future tsunami risks. By facilitating knowledge exchange and generating actionable recommendations, this seminar marks a significant step forward in reducing the impact of disasters on vulnerable communities.

Prof. Syamsidik receives a plaque from BPBA

Prof. Syamsidik receives a plaque from BPBA

Group photo with speakers and participants

Group photo with speakers and participants

