Vice Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology of Indonesia Visits TDMRC Universitas Syiah Kuala

Photo with Mrs. Wamendiktisaintek, Prof. Stella Christie, Vice Rector 1 (Prof. Agussabti) and Team at TDMRC USK

Photo with Mrs. Vice Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology of Indonesia, Prof. Stella Christie, Vice Rector 1 (Prof. Agussabti) and Team at TDMRC USK

Banda Aceh – The Vice Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Technology of Indonesia (Diktisaintek), Prof. Dr. Stella Christie, along with a delegation, visited the research facilities and building of the Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) at Universitas Syiah Kuala in Banda Aceh on December 24, 2024. The visit aimed to review the research and disaster management facilities managed by TDMRC USK. Vice Rector I of USK, Prof. Dr. Agussabti, and the Director of the Graduate School of USK, Prof. Dr. Hizir, were present to receive the Vice Minister.

During her visit, Prof. Stella Christie appreciated the advancements in the research facilities managed by TDMRC USK. She emphasized the importance of developing and maintaining a more established cycle of cooperation and asset management of these research facilities. She suggested that one way to ensure proper management of research assets is by standardizing the research equipment at TDMRC as part of building material testing standards or activities that provide broad opportunities for external partners outside USK to use these facilities. Prof. Stella Christie also encouraged TDMRC USK to strengthen research networks and utilize existing research facilities with other ministries/agencies in Indonesia.

Prof. Syamsidik explaining the Multi-Axial Shaking Table Testing facility managed by USK TDMRC

Prof. Syamsidik explaining the Multi-Axial Shaking Table Testing facility managed by USK TDMRC

The Vice Minister visit included a tour of the Multi-Axial Shaking Table facility at TDMRC USK, which is currently the only one in Southeast Asia. She also visited the Tsunami-Wave Flume at TDMRC USK, used for tsunami and coastal or port construction testing.

The TDMRC USK team, led by Prof. Syamsidik, explained that TDMRC USK has been recognized as a Center of Excellence in Science and Technology for tsunami disaster mitigation since 2017. Since then, TDMRC USK has been involved in various national and international activities. One of the current collaborations is with the School of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (STMKG) in studying non-seismic tsunami early warning systems in Indonesia.

Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Science and Vice Rector 1 of USK visiting the Tsunami Wave Flume at TDMRC USK

Vice Minister of Higher Education and Science and Vice Rector 1 of USK visiting the Tsunami Wave Flume at TDMRC USK

At the end of the visit, the TDMRC USK research team symbolically presented a book titled “The Impact of Tsunami on Mosque Buildings” to Prof. Dr. Stella Christie. The book is authored by Dr. Ibrahim (also a lecturer at Politeknik Negeri Lhokseumawe) along with Prof. Syamsidik, Prof. Azmeri, Prof. Muttaqin, and Tursina MT.

Prof. Agussabti, as Vice Rector I of USK, warmly welcomed and expressed his pleasure at the series of visits conducted by the Vice Minister of of Higher Education, Science, and Technology of Indonesia over the past two days to activities at Universitas Syiah Kuala. The day before, the Vice Minister also attended the Atsiri Research Center (ARC) USK, which also celebrated the 8th anniversary of ARC USK.

