Fastana Action For Ecosystem Based Economic Development

Fastana Action For Ecosystem Based Economic Development 5
Aceh BesarFASTANA-TDMRC Universitas Syiah Kuala, continues the fastana action for Ecosystem based Economic Development agenda with the PKK Gampong Kajhu Mobilization team. This activity is one of a series of Ormawa Capacity Building Programs (P2K ORMAWA) held in Gampong Kajjhu, Baitussalama District, Aceh Besar Regency.
Fastana Action For Ecosystem Based Economic Development 5In this follow-up activity, FASTANA-TDMRC together with mothers from PKK Gampong Kajhu carried out the Empowerment of Cake Production made from Avicennia Mangrove Flour which is an independent processed product of PPK ORMAWA FASTANA-TDMRC members. This program is a program that is carried out as a follow-up to material delivery activities that have been carried out on the previous day (15/10/2022). At today’s kegiatain, mothers enthusiastically apply the knowledge of cake production that has been introduced by the FASTANA PKK Team. This program was attended by 24 pkk members Gampong Kajhu. This program began with the introduction of Mangrove Flour processed by the PPK ORMAWA FASTANA-TDMRC team which is made from mangrove fruit of the Bruguiera gymnorrhiza type or known as Lindur fruit. Mangrove Flour is the result of one week of hard work in processing lindur fruit, into flour that can be used in food processing. In this empowerment activity, the P2K FASTANA team prepared 4 groups, with complete materials and tools. This divided group will then process mangrove flour produced by the FASTANA Team, into different processed foods. The FASTANA team itself has prepared 4 recipes for processed mangroves, namely Klepon, Bubur Sumsum, Pudding, and Bakpao.
Fastana Action For Ecosystem Based Economic Development 5 Fastana Action For Ecosystem Based Economic Development 5 Fastana Action For Ecosystem Based Economic Development 5 Fastana Action For Ecosystem Based Economic Development 5
This empowerment program was very enthusiastically welcomed by the participating mothers, where they were very motivated to become the best group, this is evident from the processed products of the participants’ mothers who were very delicious and looked beautiful, because they were served beautifully on decorative plates. Mrs. Jasmi, S.Pd, as the head of the PKK Mobilization Team said that “this program held is a very useful program, because by implementing a way of producing processed food from mangrove flour, it will add insight to mothers to be creative in utilizing resources that are widely available in Gampong Kajhu, but are not widely known by the wider community”.
Fastana Action For Ecosystem Based Economic Development 5Hasnan Hanif as the head of the FASTANA Team said that “in my opinion this program is a real action that we have taken to implement the material that FASTANA has conveyed in the previous day, that mangrove plants can be processed into all-purpose flour, which can be used as raw material for various food products that have a high selling value, so that it can have a great economic impact on the community around the mangrove ecosystem”.
At the end of the event, it was closed with a question and answer session and a group photo session which was attended by all PKK driving teams and the P2K Ormawa FASTANA-TDMRC team.
